Feral WaterMelon Warhead


I am biased, this is one of my favourites. mainly because of its complete and utter determination to polarise any who drink it. You either Love it, and wish there was a way you could possibly pro-create with it, or Hate it and are currently sitting in an Emergency Department after trying to remove the memory of the taste with a backyard lobotomy.

The Feral WaterMelon Warhead

Bam. Yeah you really weren’t expecting that. A huge face puckering sour note that lies in ambush after a nice sweet fruity nose.

You’ve been Warhead-ed.

A fantastic light, and I mean light coming at a tiny 2.9% ( Which is great when you just want to session) this is a perfect sour summer number. Be warned however you may strongly dislike it, The Warhead is a double edged sword, and it cuts both ways.


Until next time, and remember. Always drink from a glass.

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