Quiet Deeds Pale Ale.


Quiet Deeds Pale Ale.

This little number took me by surprise, a nice amber colouring and fluffy white topping, It had that floral spicy hoppy whiff that I really find appealing.

Basically it’s what I wanted the Nail Hoppy Summer Ale to be, it takes the Hoppy Ale to school, and torments it both psychically and emotionally, so much so That the Hoppy finds it self crying into its pillow every night knowing it has to go back to school to face this all over again. And because of this, its grades suffers and causes a strain on it’s relationship with its parents.

*Grips keyboard and breathes heavily*

A humble hoppy taste with a nice malty kick, it has a slight peppery tang that evens out the citrusey hops.

A super sessionable enjoyable light ale.

A great summer beer and a simple understated ale.


Until next time and remember, always drink from a glass.

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